Logan  L'Enfer

Hex Appeal in High Heels

Logan Laveau is a NYC-based burlesque performer, costume designer, and model. She has been performing since her 2014 debut with the New York School of Burlesque. She has since performed in shows at The Slipper Room, Nurse Bettie, Coney Island, and Temple of the Virgins. 

act videos

Due to YouTube’s age restrictions for burlesque videos, many can’t be embedded here. If you would like to see more examples of Logan’s acts, please use the contact form or email loganlenfer@gmail.com.


MORE acts available to book

  • Nerdlesque

LUCK DRAGON: Upbeat, comedic act as Falkor from ‘The Neverending Story’

TUNNEL SNAKE: Slick tribute to the post-apocalyptic greaser gang from the celebrated video game, ‘Fallout 3’

RIPLEY: High-octane thrill as the protagonist of the film ‘Alien’, featuring flamethrower prop and a facehugger

DEBBIE JELINKSY: Theatrical and hilarious romp as the black widow killer from the film ‘Addams Family Values’

• Classic burlesque

SENSUAL WORLD: Evoking a glamorous golden goddess, with a luxurious tasseled boa and intricate head dress

Background photo by Ben Lazar 2018